Find out the average salary by country (monthly) in this ranking that highlights wage differences around the…
Countries Rankings/StatisticsA collection of 86 posts
Ratings. Here you can find various interesting rankings and statistics by country on all sorts of interesting topics.
Explore the percentage of the population with a tertiary education by country in this insightful ranking that…
Find out about average life expectancy by country (years) in this index, which ranks countries based on…
Check out how countries rank by average number of sex partners (Body Count) per woman over their…
Find out the average age at which children start school by country in this ranking that compares…
Find out about the average age of first-time home buyers by country in this ranking that compares…
Find out the average number of paid vacation days by country in this ranking, comparing how much…
Discover the best nightclubs in the world in this ranking that highlights the best places for an…
Explore the average retirement age by country in this informative ranking that ranks countries based on when…
Find out the percentage of the population that speaks English by country in this index, which ranks…